Saturday, June 18, 2011

"that smell" by Lynyrd Skynyrd

"that smell" just came on by lynyrd skynyrd and i really like this song so that's what this post is titled.

lately i've been learning that being a christian is very simple. God loves me no matter what, and out of faithful obedience He will guide me in everything. Now, there could be a whole range of emotions that happen, but if i'm faithfully being obedient, I will end up where God wants me. I think that even in the hard times, there is so much rest in embracing the Redeemers unfailing love.

I've been learning how simple being a christian is because I have been making it not simple, and i've grown weary. Our minds are such bastards sometimes, well mine is. I overthink everything and when that spills into my relationship with God it's a bummer because I start to believe in lies and all this muck is created. I also think it has to do a lot with child like faith too. Lately i've been really meditating on what that means.

Also, I've been seeing the importance of intergrity. I know this is darrins main focus kinda and ive been seeing the importance lately. That integrity is the root of my walk with the Lord. It is directly related with obedience. Jesus is constantly by my side, so the way I act at all times determines my integrity. Integrity is unique in the sense that the only person who knows your true integrity is God. It's not something that can be easily flaunted and shown off, but rather it has a lot to do with your concious and direct relationship with Jesus. I like that. There is freedom in being able to say, "Okay this, this, and this are not going very well in my life; but I'm walking in integrity with the Lord so it's all good."

Also, a verse I really like. Psalm 16:8 "I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." mmmmmm :)

i know this was a machine gun fire post but that's whats been going on latelyyy. well one of the things! <3


  1. "our minds are such bastards sometimes", I just found my new favorite quote. I, too, over think ALL the time, thx for the reminder to be simple

  2. I love you.

    I completely agree and I feel the same way. We're together all the time haha but I think we could both say that we've found different ways lately to complicate what God intended to be simple. Going back to basics feels so good and it's exactly what God wants. Love God, love people and the rest is details to be guided by Him. Just responding to whatever He puts on my heart lately has been so awesome. I love you, again.

  3. child like faith. thinking about it gives me chills. Simplcity. Love that you are seeking it out. Also, integrity. Cannot agree more. God totally is the only one that knows your true integrity and you can truly please him with it. Keep it up brother!

  4. I agree with all of this, definitely zachary. However, its interesting because I'm learning more and more about how hard it is. I've always thought that it was so simple and easy, but the more and more intentional I become about being more like Jesus and following His ways, it becomes much more difficult. Its the Christian paradox, really. It is so easy, because we know that God is life, but it is so hard, because we are such sinners and we are so inadequate and we are so weak. You know? I want to talk about all this in person because I think it would be a really production conversation. Anyway, you're great and I learn so much from you.

  5. This reminded me of something Francis Chan said. He asked the congregation for any tips on how to properly swing the golf club. There were dozens of rules: don't tense up, relax, open the shoulders, line up your vision, keep your eye on the ball, etc, etc..and I think sometimes we think about our relationship with God in the same way. We just have to love God and love others. That's it. And what we've all been talking about - loving God, and letting that love overflow result into loving others - that's what we need, and it's what I've been thinking about.

  6. my mind is also fatherless, at times. Your post reminds me of Gods providence. If we believe in Gods providence, His divine governing over all of His creation, we know that He has His hand in all that comes to pass in this world. Since we trust Him, that is freeing to know. Zachy, it is simple. You are right. It's set in stone that God will direct and bring ALL THINGS, ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, to HIS appointed end. So let His truth ring and overflow from your cup - because His victory is sure.

  7. mmm yes, i like what you said especially about how when you get it wrong when it comes to God's love for you, it effects the other relationships in your life too. i listened to a sermon recently in which the pastor stated that our relationships and views of our self suffer because of two misinterpretations of God's love for us: either we take God's love and turn it into pride, self-congratulating, growing full on ourselves instead of Him OR we refuse to see God's love and live in shame, always trying to prove ourselves and achieve in order to feel worthy. i love you, zach. thanks for sharing.
