Friday, May 6, 2011

White Castle Employee of the Month 1971

i don't do my laundry very often. i wear all of my clothes until they are all dirty and the search for a cute outfit in the morning reaches about 10 minutes. Then i do all my laundry and start over. so last week, after i ran out of clothing, i was looking through my dads closet when i found a t-shirt that said "White Castle Employee of the Month 1971." I couldnt believe the treasure that hung before me. it was as if i saw a new color. i was in awe, i was confused, i was well pleased, and i was shocked all at the same time. but then i realized that although extremely random shirts are in style right now, White Castle Employee of the Month 1971 is crossing the line. i couldn't pull it :/ but i'll probably wear it to circles just for kicks and giggles. this has nothing to do with my walk with God right now. i apologize if you were pre-emptively(?) trying to uncover some hidden metaphor ;).

the Bible says it is impossible to please God without faith. Hebrews 11 is often called the "faith hall of fame" and it talks about the best examples of faith from men and women in the old testament. how they did great things because of their faith in God and His Word and His promises... faith is such a huge part of our... faith.

  • we walk by faith, not by sight.
  • we're saved by faith.
  • we're justified by faith.
  • we are instructed to keep our eyes on Jesus who is the author and perfector of faith.
  • "I have been crucified by Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me; and the life which i now live in the flesh i live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."
  • "and without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him."
when i recommitted my life to Christ my junior year of high school, it took a lot of faith because i was terrified of telling all my old friends i wouldn't be partying with them anymore, or even seeing them very much; but i knew it had to be done in order to follow Jesus. it's a scary thing sometimes, acting on pure faith. but that's exactly what is most pleasing to God. i feel like throughout the Christian life it's a series of cliff jumps. God is speaking; softly, gently, powerfully; "Jump." And I am standing over the edge looking down at the jagged rocks of doubt and all sorts of possible outcomes saying, "Lord.... look at those rocks!"


and then when I do jump it's still scary while  in the air but He always catches me and teaches me and blesses me and He is glorified.

i'm falling more and more with love with Jesus, but a lot of times i lack faith, i lack trust; in His plan for me, in His characteristics, in everyday life. i find myself having faith in the good times, but then leaning on my own understanding in the bad times.... still, much too often; i try to understand every little thing... it's not very hard for the enemy to throw me the perfect lie and it just cruises right through my faith and causes me to overanalyze. im over it.

Jesus, LORD, abba! pleeease give me more faith. i need it. i want it. i want to sprint and gainer off of the cliffs of life knowing your LOVINGKINDNESS always, always, always prevails; even when it completely doesnt look like it. Amen.

PS i love you guys. circles continues to rock my world week in and week out.


  1. your dad is
    and I love what you are allowing God to do in you, Zach.
    You will go where the Spirit leads.


    "Jesus, LORD, abba! pleeease give me more faith. i need it. i want it. i want to sprint and gainer off of the cliffs of life knowing your LOVINGKINDNESS always, always, always prevails; even when it completely doesnt look like it. Amen."

    such a perfect prayer dude!! He is the giver of that faith. We can, in no way, muster up the faith that we want or desire. But by prayer and petition, seeking the Lord's face and listening discerningly to the Father's voice, we can gain faith that abounds. You are seeking and seeking hard. Keep seeking.

    Father God, I pray you penetrate into the depths of my brother Zach's heart and light it on fire. Give him a faith like the prophets of old. Instill in him a patience that waits for Your voice. Affirm him in the ways that he is already fervently seeking the light of Your face. Fill us up and send us out. Thank You, Jesus.

  3. hahaha zach! this is great. i remember when i recommitted my life to Christ in high school and had to separate myself from my friends for while, it sucks, it hurts, it is so lonely... but looking back, i wouldn't have been able to make the progress i had, without separating myself. since then, there have been some more hard, painful decisions that i've had to make in order to grow closer to Christ, but i always am able to look back and know that it was for the right and Perfect reason. zach, just keeping jumping! take risks for God and keep in His perfect will. I am so excited about your upcoming life. you have so much to do for the Kingdom and it is so obvious that God has created a leader in you. just keep being refined daily and have faith! i'll be praying love!

  4. need to rock that shirt.

  5. you're hilarious.
    you need to wear that shirt-- retreat? done.

    O MY GOODNESS. it is as if you wrote this on behalf of me and my thoughts and everything!!! Wowsers, zach. amen to everything you said! He will indeed meet you where you are at and He will mold your faith to reflect Him as you seek Him with your WHOLE heart. : ) I know I will absolutely think of your analogy as I jump this week... thank you SO much for sharing. I am so very encouraged, and I hope that you, too, are encouraged by the truth in the words you, yourself, have written. : ) I am seriously really excited to see what God does in your life through your seeking and through your faith... and every time you jump.

  6. ummmmironic....
    I have put off reading blogs for a few days now because of being busy & I just read Billy's & yours was next. And yours is about faith.
    This morning I was sitting at the beach, sipping on some coffee before work, and reading Matthew. Jesus was discussing faith through parables... because He always used parables :) Such as when he rebukes the fruit tree & it withers up or having the faith of a mustard seed would allow you to move mountains & those that were healed were healed because of their faith and I just sat their contemplating the size of my faith.

    I believe that I have faith, but I have never made a physical mountain move or a tree die (plants due to lack of water... but thats besides the point :)). How can my faith be increased? I seriously, totally trust God & understand that He is sooo faithful & worth it all. I believe the scriptures are true, but how can I increase my faith. I want it. I want it so bad.

    Praying for you in all of this.

  7. AMEN! I WANT THAT SHIRT. HAHA I loved when you spoke about being justified by faith bro. I often forget to find rest for my soul in that beautiful truth. I love you like a brother and I am so very proud of you. The Lord has used you as iron in my life. Sharpening me every step along the way. You have been quintessential in setting me ablaze for Christ. Love you brother and couldn't be happier to be doing ministry alongside of you. Hope that continues for many, many years to come.

  8. you should know that I read this blog throughout my week. then I read Hebrews 11 when I was at the beach. then I was strongly called to jump... and I did. I'm in the air right now (and referenced you in my blog post about it) but your faith and striving for more both affirms my own commitment and longing for Him, and encourages my faith. thank you very much for keeping your commitment to circles and blogging, because it is literally and effectively helping me in my personal faith and acts of obedience. I pray I don't land among the jagged rocks, but if I do, I pray I praise Him nonetheless.

  9. I agree with Jenna--you need to rock that shirt at retreat.

    I am so encouraged by you and excited to see you in the glory of God. God will give you more faith in time. He is so going to show it to you in some crazy amazing ways. Trust in Him and he will provide. So excited!

    Oh and it was great going to dinner with you last night.

  10. First of all, I so relate to you in the laundry thing. It is a bad habit but I don't want to do laundry all the time ;) lol.
    I can so relate to you in having a hard time to trust God and remain in faith. God is Faithful even when we are faithless. God will continue to show us that we can trust Him and we need to remember how God has been faithful in our lives. I love your prayer at the end. God will continue to reveal Himself to you and you need to keep "jumping" even when it doesn't make sense. It will be a journey but so worth it. God is molding and shaping you and loves your desire to remain in faith in Him.

  11. I love this. Hebrews 11 is so dear to my heart. I loved this blog about it. Thank you Zach!

  12. i'd love to talk to you more about your story zach--about what it looked like for you to make that decision in high school and what pushed you toward that. also, wear the shirt. please.
