oh man, i've really been slackin in circles and first of all, I just want to apologize for not upholding to committment i said i would uphold. I'm getting back on track! These last few weeks have been insane because of midterms. Between football, school, work, and circles I just havent had enough time in the day for anythign else and I often had to sacrafice time from one of those four places and it just happened to be circles :/. The consistent 4 hr sleep nights have killed me and had its toll on my physical health. I haven't had the chance to finish here and now yet, but i will! and then my here and now post will come! :)
SOOOO, since i haven't posted in like 22 days.... (eeeeh that looks bad when i write it haha) i'll do sort of a quick summary of whats been clear through the chaos. I feel the Lord calling me to some type of full time ministry, I feel like full time missions work/ evangelism is the specific nudge I feel from the Spirit. The missions part is going to take much prayer and discernment because I'm not about to just move to the jungle without receiving confirmation i've been called haha, that would not be good.... the second of these two, evangelism, is something i have definitely been slacking on. I used to do it a lot at the spectrum or the block or the movies with some friends but in the past 4-5 months I havent gone at all. I dont know if evangelism is a gift but when i'm talking to a stranger about Jesus, the Spirit gives me things to say that i've never even thought of before so maybe? But anyways, I need to start hittin the streets once again.
Through this whirlwind i've been able to have peace because Jesus has been kept in view and the big picture always in focus. Yes, there were periods of dread while doing 5 hour blocks of homework, and moments of anxiety and stress, but those brief moments seemed to be easily whiped away when I took a step back and kept my eyes on Jesus and His love for me. I know that sounds really basic and almost cliche but hey, it's all about Gods love :) psalm 23 became my anthem. Through the busyness, sickness and stress i found myself still joyful during class, and during football, and having meaningful conversations and I just smile inside because that's ALL the HolySpirit..... so now I have spring break and i'm just super stoked to get down and dirty in the Word and go hiking and go surfing and play basketball and get SLEEEEEEP and play raquetball and run and lift and READ LOTS AND LOTS OF BLOGS :) so yeah I've been M.I.A, but things have been going splendid. see you all tonight :)
"I dont know if evangelism is a gift but when i'm talking to a stranger about Jesus, the Spirit gives me things to say that i've never even thought of before..."
ReplyDeleteThis definitely sounds like a gift to me Zach. I will be praying for an increased gift and boldness to evangelize more often. Also, for Rest and for Peace. The Lord wants ALL of you, so praying that you will find a way to give that. See you tonight!
I agree with Shea, totally sounds like a gift to me. Some people can not even come close to what you can do by going out there and laying down Gods word. Definitely something that God is helping you completely in as you even notice that the words are coming from him not you. Rad!
ReplyDeleteI love that even in the midst of chaos you realize that you need to keep your eyes on Jesus! Since you are focusing on Him, it sounds like you are being open and available to have conversations and be used in your everyday life. That is awesome! I am also excited for the call you are feeling placed on your life. God has such a special plan for you and I am sure is pleased with your willing heart. I will be praying for you in this journey and that you will be able to rest and balance your time :)
ReplyDeleteHey man! So good to get a glimpse into your life right now. I'm pretty sure everyone is feeling the challenge of keeping up. I'm right there with ya on everything, one day and one blog at a time ha. So stoked for you about ministry and the future. That's an awesome call to hear. I'll be praying for you for sure. So good to see you last night! Keep fighting the good fight!
ReplyDeletePlease go nap. 4 hours is really not okay. I want you to sleep!!!
ReplyDelete22 days makes me feel like I can make 21 days happen (story in my most recent blog) so thank you for writing it down.
I believe that every follower of Christ has been called to missions work whether it be to go, send, or receive. So, you have been called to ministry! as we all have :) I will pray for continued guidance in this. Evangelism!!! I'll go with. Love it and its amazing the words the Spirit gives you to share. May you continue to be used in such a way.
Your last paragraph made me happy. I'm so glad. And I apologize for not saying hi at Church, that was stupid of me. Next time :)
Bro some simple encouragement to evangelize where you are right now. I now ife is busy, so ask for vision to see who it is in your every day that God wants you connected to. Missions starts in our backyard and dinner tables and moves outward.
ReplyDeleteJust read these verses tonight and they totally apply to what you wrote...Romans 12:6-8 WE HAVE DIFFERENT GIFTS ACCORDING TO THE GRACE GIVEN US. If a man's gift is prophesying let him use it in proportion to his faith. I fit is serving let him serve. If it is teaching let him teach. If it is encouraging , let him encourage. If it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously. If it is leadership let him govern diligently, if it is showing mercy let him do it cheerfully. "
ReplyDeletePraying for the gift of discernment as you try and sort these things out. Glad to have you back!
ReplyDeletethis was so great to read! thanks so much for sharing all this. : ) yeah, I'd say go evangelize and I have a really great podcast on missions if you'd like to hear it. it's from francis chan's church and it totally rocked me. : ) lemme know. I'll be praying for a bit of stillness so you can HEAR Him. : )
ReplyDeletei think a lot of us are in this place of finding ourselves let go of our commitments. i hope we can each continue to encourage one another to love each other as best we can.
ReplyDeleteYou have such an eternal mindset zach, its encouraging brother.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like you have a knack for seeing when you're getting caught up with homework and anything besides the Lord and can quickly catch it and redirect yourself to God's love and the bigger picture!
That's awesome man! Keep refining it