Saturday, January 29, 2011

the birds are composing

thursday was the first day that i started to get some joy back :) God is so good. so that night i went to crave and the message was all about sex. 'really?' i thought to myself. 'really God?' So i sat there and i tried to see what God was trying to say to me. I couldnt really find it. the message was about how detrimental casual sex is to our generation and the statistics to back it up. i felt embarrassed and bummed out to be there. but then one of the band members gave his testimony about how he had gone through something similar in the past and that was super encouraging! and then, during the post message worship, God revealed so much love to me and so much comfort it was unbelievable. one of the songs said, "i look out the window, the birds are composing..." i really liked  that. anyways, i had one of the most intimate prayer times in my life. i felt like it was just me and Jesus sitting down at a table talking and He was just there and i knew that He loves me and everything was okay..... i walked out of that super ironic message feeling so much joy. only God could work in that way...

so then early Friday morning i went surfing and it was just beautiful. The waves were epic (SO epic) and i was so stoked to be paddling out at sunrise, my favorite thing to do. the sky was all those different colors inbetween other colors, like pinkish orangeish yellow, purplish pink blue; you know, the kinds that only come from sunrise and sunset. so i catch my first wave, about a 5ft right. dropped in, lip comes over me and everything goes slow motion, ahhh amen. and then im paddling out and i look up and the birds are literally composing!!! like flying around in one of those bird spiral things, and then to my right there's a flying V of birds, and there were just birds everywhere! my buddy nolan who was at the service the previous night was in the water and i screamed at him. "DUDE! THE BIRDS ARE COMPOSING!!!" and all the local guys just gave me that look that said, "what a freaking kook." hahaha. Friday was a good day.

But today is saturday and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone in person! booyah


  1. Sweet post. Your words are alive and your paragraphs are kicking.

  2. awesome dude. I love it when God uses nature like that!

  3. It was great to meet you last night at Circles! God speaks in mysterious ways right?!? I love it =) Looking forward to surfing sometime!!

  4. It seems like you're carrying some guilt around longer than you need to...just an observation. You seem weighed down.

    Conviction should lead us to repentance and refine us, but then disappear once it's done it's work. Don't allow your mistakes yesterday to define who you are tonight.
